Frequently Asked Questions
Usually, we ask the questions. Now, we want to address yours.
Why didn't I qualify for the survey?
Please don’t take it personally! 🙂 Over time we will give you the chance to provide us with more details about yourself, to help us match you to available surveys. For those surveys, researchers sometimes have a very specific target audience that they are trying to reach, and not everyone will match the criteria.
We are constantly changing our inventory and bringing on new surveys and tasks so that as many people as possible can participate and qualify. Keep trying! We thank you for taking the time with us and hope to have a match for you soon!
What do I earn for completing surveys?
In addition to a reward from the site that referred you to SaySo Rewards, we also make a donation to provide meals and other assistance to hungry people around the world. Our mission is to help end deaths from malnutrition globally and every completed SaySo Rewards survey or offer generations a donation to this cause. For more information about the donations we make, please visit our Survey Takers page.
What can I do to improve my chances of qualifying?
The best way to ensure that we are able to invite you to the surveys that will best match you is to make sure that you answer all questions honestly and thoughtfully.
Who has access to my personal information?
All of the information you provide to SaySo Rewards is kept confidential in our secure and encrypted database, in compliance with relevant laws. We will never give anyone access to our list, or to your personally identifiable information, without your permission. We hate spam and unsolicited offers as much as you do! For more in-depth information you can check out our Privacy Policy.
Information that you choose to share in surveys hosted by our research partners is governed by the Privacy Policy of that company. Please be sure to review the privacy policy of any site you may be directed to through SaySo Rewards before providing any personal information.
What happens to the information I provide when I complete a survey?
What do I do if I completed a survey but did not get a reward?
Surveys often go through a quality control process, because some people do not answer honestly and this can have a serious effect on the conclusions the researcher may draw. If you did not get your reward instantly, this quality control process is normally the reason. Once the process is completed, we will notify the site that referred you to us, and it is they who will provide the reward to you.